Earlier this week, OnePlus announced the OnePlus 6T with several enhancements including Studio Lighting and Nightscape modes for the camera. The Chinese manufacturer also revealed that the OnePlus 6 smartphone from earlier this will also receive the features through an update and it’s finally out now.
OnePlus is rolling out the OxygenOS 9.0.2 stable update to the OnePlus 6 units around the world bringing the much-talked-about camera additions as well as fixes and other goodies. First up, the update comes with Nightscape and Studio Lighting which have now been ported from the OnePlus 6T to the OnePlus 6 to improve the camera performance of the latter. Nightscape brings better image quality and brightness under low light conditions while Studio Lighting mode is used to click portraits, like Apple’s Portrait Lighting mode.
OxygenOS 9.0.2 also seeds the latest November 2018 batch of Android security updates as well as new navigation gestures which were found on the OnePlus 6T. The update features an improved UI when browsing through About phone I Settings. Users will now be able to launch the Google Assistant upon pressing and holding the power key for 0.5 seconds. This will be helpful when Porting to the new navigation settings since it removes the navigation bar which acted as a shortcut to trigger the Google Assistant.
The latest update to the OnePlus 6 is a staged rollout, meaning only a handful of users will receive OxygenOS 9.0.6 on their devices today with a broader rollout set to happen in the next few days.For users who can’t wait, we’d suggest manually searching for the update by heading over to Settings > About Phone > Software updates to capture the OTA package firsthand.