OnePlus has announced the rollout of the latest Android 9.0 Pie update for its latest flagship device, the OnePlus 6. The company has announced that it is now rolling out the latest update, which is based on OxygenOS 9.0.
OnePlus has revealed that it will soon bring Android Pie update to its older flagship devices including OnePlus 5/5T and OnePlus 3/3T. Coming to the latest update for OnePlus 6, it comes loaded with a new user interface for Android P coupled with new gesture navigation. The latest update also brings adaptive battery support along with other new features and system improvements.
With the OxygenOS 9.0, users also get new Do Not Disturb (DND) mode with some adjustable settings and there is a new Gaming Mode 3.0 that brings added text notification mode and notification for third-party calls. Apart from this, the update also brings support for accent colour customisation.
OnePlus has revealed that the update will be rolled out via Over the air (OTA) in a phased manner. The OTA will be received by a limited number of users and will have a broader rollout in a few days after making sure there are no critical bugs. With this, OnePlus 6 users will be also getting Dashboard that analyses the amount of time you spend on an App and prevents overusing it after you’re past your daily limit. While a DND mode turns on grayscale on your phone, the Wind Down option switches on Night Light when going to bed.