Telecom operator Vodafone has launched a new prepaid plan of Rs 129 with a validity of 28 days. The Rs 129 prepaid recharge will be available in Gujarat, Chennai and other key circles of Vodafone.
The new plan by Vodafone offers its customers unlimited local, STD and Roaming calls, 1.5GB 3G/4G data and 100 SMS per day for a period of 28 days. It is to be noted that telco is offering 1.5GB data for the entire validity period, reports Telecom Talk.
The newly launched Rs 129 plan is much similar to the Vodafone prepaid plan of Rs 119. The Rs 119 plan offers unlimited voice calling benefits and 1GB data per day. The plan sadly does not offer any SMS benefits. The validity of this plan by Vodafone is also 28 days.
Vodafone also has a Rs 169 prepaid plan which offers similar benefits to the Rs 129 prepaid plan. The Rs 169 plan offers 1GB data per day, unlimited voice calling benefits, and 100 SMS messages per day for 28 days.
Vodafone recently revised its prepaid plan of Rs 509 which comes with a validity of 90 days. The plan earlier used to offer 1.4GB per day but now the same plan offers 1.5GB of data per day. It also offers unlimited calling and 100 SMSes per day. The users now get 100MB more on a daily basis, i.e a total of 9GB extra data throughout the validity.