Just days after adding a new Rs 1,999 plan voucher with 365-day validity, Vodafone has now started offering a new First Recharge (FRC) plan for its new customers under the prepaid belt. The latest offering comes at a price of Rs 351 and provides users with benefits for 56 days from the activation date.
What’s interesting is that while the validity of the Rs 351 FRC plan is for 56 days, the benefits don’t include any amount of data. The latest prepaid plan offers unlimited calling with no FUP limit, meaning there’s no capping post which calls will get charged weekly or daily. The plan also offers 100 SMSes per day for 56 days but no data, reports TelecomTalk.
Vodafone is currently offering five FRC plans, with the rest of the plans having a designated amount of data offering for its prepaid users. The four out of the five recharge offers provide with at least 1GB of data during the validity of the FRC’s with three of them even providing a minimum of 1GB data per day. This makes the Rs 351 FRC plan something dedicated for users who don’t need access to the internet and are sufficient with unlimited voice calling. The price of the Rs 351 might vary across different circles but the benefits regarding free calls for 56 days might as well remain the same.
Prior to this Vodafone had released a Rs 1,999 prepaid plan for users wishing to upgrade to a long-term plan, thus offering daily data benefits of 1.5GB in addition to unlimited local, national and roaming calling and 100 free SMS per day for 365 days. The plan succeeded the Rs 1,699 prepaid plan which got revised from its previous price of Rs 1,499 to offer unlimited calling without any cap, 1GB data per day for 365 days and 100 SMS per day.
For unlimited voice calling itself, Vodafone had launched the Rs 119 prepaid plan offering users unlimited voice calling benefits and 1GB data per day for 28 days. There’s also the Rs 154 prepaid plan voucher from Vodafone which provides users with voice benefits valid for up to 180 days.