Sony recently launched Sony Xperia XZ Premium smartphone in India for Rs 59,990. Now seems like the company is all set to launch Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra in India soon. The Xperia XA1 Ultra has been listed on Sony’s Indian website without pricing details. The smartphone is listed in Gold, White, Black and Pink colour variants on the website. However, Sony has not revealed exactly when the phone will be launched nor there is any information about its price.
As per listing, the Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra has a 6-inch full HD display with 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution with a Pixel density of 367 ppi. It is powered by a 2.3 GHz Octa-Core MediaTek Helio P20 64-bit Processor with Mali-T880 MP2 GPU. The phone has 4GB RAM, 32GB/64GB of internal storage with an expandable option to up to 256GB via the micro SD card slot. It does not come with a fingerprint sensor.
The smartphone has a 23-megapixel rear camera that has hybrid Autofocus and a LED flash and 16-megapixel front camera is there for selfies. This 4G LTE smartphone runs on Android 7.0 Nougat operating system out of the box. Besides, the Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra has a non-removable 2700 mAh battery with Sony’s STAMINA mode for battery saving which claims to offer talk time up to 13 hours and standby time up to 648 hours. Furthermore, the smartphone also offers connectivity features such as dual sim, Bluetooth 4.2 with aptX, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, GPS, GLONASS, NFC, and a microUSB Type-C port. The device’s dimensions are 165 x 79 x 8.1 mm and it weighs 188 grams. It has Accelerometer, Gyro Sensor and Proximity and Compass Sensor.