Sony has finally launched Xperia XZ Premium, in India. Priced at Rs 59,990, the smartphone will be available starting from June 12 and users can pre-book the device from June 2 to June 11 at all Sony official stores, select retail outlets and online exclusively on Amazon.
The brand has introduced some interesting pre-booking offer as well. To start with, users will get SRS-XB20 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker worth Rs. 8,990, when they pre-book the latest flagship device. Further, the Xperia XZ Premium comes bundled with free 3 months subscription of Sony LIV worth Rs 349 and 5200 game credits on Modern Combat 5.
To recall, the smartphone was first introduced during the Mobile World Congress 2017 along with Xperia XZs, Xperia XA1 and Xperia XA1 Ultra. Recollecting some key specifications, the latest flagship device from Sony comes with some interesting features. The device is loaded with new Motion Eye camera system and it is the first smartphone to feature a memory stacked Exmor RS sensor with technologies usually only found on premium compact cameras. The exterior has an glass loop surface which when turned over reveals a reflective surface on the back. Further, the device is one of the few to feature Gigabit Class LTE (up to 1Gbps 4 ).
The smartphone sports a 19-megapixel rear camera which supports Super slow motion 960fps video capture, Predictive Capture, Ant-distortion shutter, Triple image sensing technology, predictive Hybrid Autofocus, 5-axis stabilisation and 4K video recording. For the front, there is 13-megapixel Exmor RS for mobile image sensor, 22mm wide angle lens, ISO6400 and Aperture f/2.2.
Talking about the specifications, the device sports a 5.5-inch 4K HDR Triluminous display with X-Reality mobile picture engine and dynamic contrast enhancement coupled with Corning Gorilla Glass 5 protection on the front and back panel. The smartphone is powered by the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor along with Adreno 540 GPU. The phone is backed by a 4GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage which can be further expanded up to 256 via microSD card support.
The smartphone runs on latest Android 7.0 Nougat and is juiced up by a 3230mAh battery with Smart Stamina mode and Qnovo adaptive charging. The device also comes equipped with Sony’s native DSEE HX technology which basically up-scales streamed tracks or MP3s to near High-res quality. Also one can play PlayStation 4 console games on the Xperia XZ Premium.