A week after launching its tbook flex 2-in-1 laptop in India, Smartron has unveiled the tband as its first wearable device for an asking price of Rs 4,999. Smartron says that the tband wearable will feature blood pressure and electrocardiography monitoring that will be logged in to the Smartron’s thealth App on a smartphone.
The device will also be able to keep a check on calorie count, sleeping patterns, activity tracking, fatigue and stress levels. In addition to BP and ECG monitor, the Smartron tband will be able to analyze the heart rate during activity and rest period as well.
The sleep monitor tracks the sleeping patterns and the efficiency of your sleep and can be used alongside a waking up option. The tband provides fitness tracking with the number of steps and running distance with a way to set up reminders for individuals who tend to forget intaking their medicines. The fitness tracker will also be able to provide you with call and SMS notifications and also provides a way to ignore them using the built-in DND mode.
Designed with an interchangeable 18mm watch straps, the Smartron tband is certified with an IP67 rating which means the device will be resistant to water and dust. The display on the tband is a 0.96-inch OLED display which can last for up to 4 days on a single charge of the 100mAh battery.
Other features include a 3-axis accelerometer, wrist detection and sedentary reminders, Exercise BPM, HRV, Weather and Pace tracking.