Smartron has today announced the launch of its latest 2-in-1 laptop in India. Dubbed as Smartron tbook flex, the laptop comes with a price tag of Rs 42,990 for the Core m3 variant, while the Core i5 version is priced at Rs 52,990. The laptop will be exclusively available on Flipkart starting midnight on May 13, 2018.
The tbook flex comes with a lightweight body with a detachable backlit keyboard and it comes with magnesium and aluminium alloy metallic body. There is back stand as well. The laptop features a 12.2-inch WQXGA display with a screen Resolution of 2560 x 1600 pixels. The screen offers multi-touch with a fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating.
The tbook flex comes in two Processor variants: Intel Core m3 processor and Core i5 chipset. The laptop is backed by a 4GB of LPDDR3 RAM and 128GB of SSD storage. On the camera front, it bears 5.0-megapixel rear camera and 2.0-megapixel front-facing camera.
The device runs on Windows 10 and gets it power from 40Whr lithium-ion polymer battery. Coming to the detachable keyboard, it comes with duckpin connection, backlit keys and P2P trackpad. The device also supports fingerprint sensor. On the connectivity front, it supports 2 USB 3.0 ports, 1 SD Memory card slot, 1 Type-C Thunderbolt 3 port, 1 Type-C port, 1 Headphone jack, WiFi 802.11 a/g/b/n/ac dual Band and Bluetooth 4.0. It also features 2 x 1W integrated speakers. The device measures 307.5 x 202.8 x 9.0mm and weighs 950 grams (without keyboard).