Portronics, a player in digital products, has added Docker to its existing series of mobile holders. Priced at Rs 599, Docker is available at all eCommerce platforms and offline stores with a warranty of 6 months. It comes in three colour variants, namely, Gold, Rose Gold and Silver.
The 7 inches mobile holder can be used to place your smartphones and tablets for watchingmovies,reading emails without holding the device in your hand. The mobile holder consists of a non-skid silicon pad at the base to minimise chances of skidding and slipping off your smartphone. Portronics Docker cannot be used in cars, it can only be used in your homes or in an office environment.
Recently, Portronics had also launched a new digital pen “Electropen-4” for Rs 6,999. It allows one to write on standard paper with regular ball point pen refill and later on all the data that has been written can be synced and transferredto the smartphone or laptop. Just keep on writing or drawing and electropen-4 will record all that only to sync it later.Additionally, this digital pen can also usethe microphone of smartphone or laptop via an App that allows the users to record high-quality audio while they take notes.