Portronics has launched a new digital pen “Electropen-4” for Rs6999. It has a Li-Polymer rechargeable battery, weighing around 46.5 gramsand available in black colour variant.
Electropen 4 allows you to write on standard paper with regular ball point pen refill. Portronics claims that it allows high quality digital and wireless writing for smartphones, computer, tablets or any Bluetooth enabled device.
It has an inbuilt flash memory to store 100s of A4 size pages. It also allows you to sync and transfer them to the smartphone or laptop. Just keep on writing or drawing and electropen-4 will record all that only to sync it later with yournotebook or mobile.
The Electropen-4 is compatible with Bluetooth 4.1 and canalso be connected to laptop or smartphone via the wired connectivity.
Additionally, this digital pen uses the microphone of smartphone or laptop via the App that allows the users to record high-quality audio while they take notes. Free “Memo Plus” app on mobile devices and “Note taker” app for Windows PC/laptop can be used along with this digital writing pen to be used for entire voice recording of the sounds during a presentation or lecture.