OnePlus has revealed that its next first 5G-enabled smartphone will not be the OnePlus 7. Instead, there will be a new smartphone series that will be launched early during 2019 with the latest Snapdragon X50 modem and a Snapdragon 8150 Chipset for processing.
The report from Fudzilla also details that the 5G smartphone from OnePlus will be even more expensive than the current line of OnePlus devices in the market. The OnePlus 6T sells for a starting price of $549 and the report says the 5G phone will likely be $100 costlier than the OnePlus 6T at the very least. OnePlus’ 5G can thus be expected to sell for a starting price of $649 which translates to about Rs 46,400 in India.
The 5G model will likely be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8150 chipset which is expected to power almost all of the flagship Android phones of 2019. The SND 8150 will be paired alongside the Snapdragon X50 modem to relay support for 5G connectivity.
The report further details that the OnePlus 7 which will be the direct successor to the OnePlus 6 will still be a 4G smartphone. However, OnePlus will then release a 5G version of the same later next year. The OnePlus 7 will similarly also see a bump in prices but relatively not as high as that of the 5G OnePlus phone.
If the news about OnePlus’ new lineup is true, the next 5G smartphone will be the second attempt away from OnePlus’ numbered regular lineup, which was changed during the launch of the OnePlus X, a couple of years ago.