After recently revising its two Infinity postpaid plans of Rs 799 and Rs 1,199, Bharti Airtel has now revised its another Infinity postpaid plans of Rs 499. With this, the plan now offers more data along with some interesting offers. The new plan is said to compete with the recently launched Vodafone RED postpaid plans.
TelecomTalk reports, Airtel is now offering 75GB data with Rs 499 plan instead of 40GB it was offering earlier. So now the operator is now offering 35GB extra data with this revision. Apart from the extra data benefit now, the Airtel Rs 499 plan also offers unlimited local and STD calls and 100 SMS per day. Further, it offers unlimited incoming Roaming calls, but roaming outgoing calls will be chargeable. Additionally, the plan offers free Amazon Prime subscription for one year. The plan also comes with data rollover facility, so the unused data will be rolled over to next month as well. However, this Airtel plan doesn’t offer free add-on connections.
The company revised its Infinity postpaid plans in February this year. The other Infinity postpaid plans are Rs 399 and Rs 649. Though, the operator has not revised its Rs 399 Infinity postpaid plan. But Airtel revised the Rs 649 postpaid plan earlier. Now the company is offering 90GB data of 3G/4G data per month instead of 50GB it was offering earlier. The plan comes with data rollover facility. Apart from data benefits, Airtel has not changed other benefits of the plan. It offers the same unlimited voice calls even on roaming, 100 SMS per day, one free family child connection, free Airtel TV, Wynk Music and Airtel Secure subscriptions. Lastly, this plan also offers one-year of free Amazon Prime membership for the users.
With the revised Rs 799 and Rs 1199 plans, Airtel is now offering 100GB data with Rs 799 plan instead of 60GB it was offering earlier. So now the operator is now offering 40GB extra data with this revision. On the other hand, the Rs 1,199 postpaid plan which was earlier offering 90GB data now offers 120GB of data, which is a hike of 30GB from now. Both plans offer unlimited incoming roaming calls with 100 SMS per day and free Amazon Prime subscription for one year. The plan also comes with data rollover facility, so the unused data will be rolled over to next month as well. Rs 799 offers two free add-on connection, while the Rs 1,199 plan offers three free add-on connections with free local calls.