India based Zync launched this 9.7 inch Android tablet sometime back for Rs 10,990. The tablet looks solid vis-Ã -vis specifications, but like most other tablets in the sub-Rs 10,000 segment, it too is surrounded by doubts whether it performs in the real world or not. A brief introduction to Zync Z1000-the tablet comes with a 9.7 inch screen, Android ICS, 1 GB RAM, 1.5 GHz processor, 8 GB internal storage, 32 GB expandable storage slot, dual cameras etc.
So here is a complete analysis of this tablet, and it will definitely help you out if you want to know more about this device.
Look and feel
The tablet comes with a huge 9.7 inch display. It weighs 659 grams like most other tablets and has an all-plastic back panel. The Zync Z1000, though, looks good in its black coloured body but its glossy finish makes it a little slippery. The finish is not up to the standard and at one point of time, the irremovable back panel did seem to come out from one portion. On the sides, though, Zync has provided metal strips that give the tablet some strength. The display does not get scratches easily and for more protection, Zync is also giving a pouch free with this tablet. Zync Z1000 is a bit weird when it comes to button and port placement. It has all the ports, like a 3.5 mm jack, mini USB port, HDMI port, micro SD card slot, and a charging port on the right hand side, along with an on/off key when it is held in landscape mode.
The volume rocker and return key are placed on the top (in landscape mode). Such a placement creates issues when you have to use two ports at a time. For example, if you are listening to a song through your Headphone and you want to plug in the power source it becomes difficult to hold the device. The ports along the right side make it difficult to hold the device when you want to do something with the tablet in landscape mode. Since it is a big tablet as well, the position of the volume keys is quite odd and that makes it difficult to reach them; you might end up pressing the return key unintentionally. The return key, though, is not needed but it would nonetheless help new tablet users.
The display is one of the biggest let downs of this tablet. The 9.7 inch touchscreen sounds good as it comes with five point multi touch and has 1024 x 768 pixel resolution. However, it lacks adequate brightness, which completely rules out its use in outdoor conditions. The lack of an ambient light sensor also means that it does not automatically control brightness.
Also, it has a very narrow angle viewing. Such is the acuteness of the issue that if you just position the device by the slightest angle it becomes difficult to see what’s on the screen.
The unique factor of Zync Z1000 is its SIM calling facility, for which there seems to be growing demand in India. However, do not harbor any thoughts that calling from this tablet would be as normal as calling from an average mobile phone would be – you will, in fact, look like a clown if you call from it. But if you use a Bluetooth or a headset then things will look a lot more normal.
The Zync Z1000 comes with a 1.5 GHz Processor with Mali-400 3D OpenGL 2.0 graphics processing unit. To aid performance, it has 1 GB of DDR3 RAM. The combination looks fine, but actual performance is not up to expectations as it is a bit slow in opening applications, especially games. It hangs many times as well, but if you make proper use of a task manager, then it will perform okay.
Other advantages
Another unique feature of Zync Z1000 is the availability of dual cameras – a 2 Megapixel rear camera and a 0.3 megapixel unit in the front, both of which can record videos and click images. This is a rarity in the sub-Rs 10,000 tablet segment, though you should not expect much in terms of picture quality. The highlight of this tablet is its connectivity features. Not only does it have a SIM slot that allows it to make calls as well as access 3G data but it also has WiFi and Bluetooth to transfer files. It has a much-demanded mini HDMI port that allows it to be connected to an HDMI enabled TV, and there is a Micro USB port as well.
The Zync Z1000 comes with a huge 7000 mAh Li-Ion battery, which powers the device for a long time. However, it gets charged very slowly; from about 10 per cent charge it takes over two hours to get charged fully but gives decent battery back up once it is fully charged. The battery back up is not extraordinary, but with full recharge you can watch a full 3 hour movie and play games for another half hour.
The Zync Z1000 is a nice alternative in the sub-Rs 10,000 tablet segment, which is full of options, mainly from home grown companies like Micromax, HCL, Pantel, Lava etc. It has its USPs like SIM calling, dual cameras, decent battery etc. However, it has its downsides too like below par display, average processor, slippery body etc.
Before reviewing it we had compared this tablet with its prime rival – the Micromax Funbook Pro, about which you can read here here. You can also check its other alternatives on out Handset Guide or see our previous articles on leading tablets.