It often happens that we do not understand the lyrics of a song while listening to it, especially when a song is not in our native language. There are also times when we feel like quoting from a song we like the most. Here, TuneWiki application comes to our rescue.
TuneWiki’s social music player shows real time, subtitled lyrics as you listen to music, watch music videos, or stream songs. Translated into over 40 languages, you can also search for lyrics to over 2.5 million songs. You can also find the most popular music on the app’s top 50 charts and music maps.
The App is very simple to use. You can create a playlist and start singing along to the lyrics of a track, or you can play a YouTube video along with the lyrics. Lyrics start showing line by line the moment music starts. However, not all songs have lyrics available.
You can also join a community which is filled with people who love singing. Additionally, you can see who is listening to what music on TuneWiki with the community feature called Music Maps.
You can also post and read comments about the songs you are listening to.