1Regular Mode
The shot was captured using the 16 Megapixel rear camera of Gionee Elife E7 without any change in the camera settings. Depth and detailing is quite good.
2Close up shot
This is a close upshot taken from the rear camera in a well lit conditions.
3Long shots
This is long shot taken from the rear camera without zooming.
4Long shot with zoom
This long shot was taken after 25 per cent zoom. The picture lack details.
5Close up without flash
This is a close upshot taken from the rear camera without using flash.
6Normal mode – front camera
This image was captured from front camera.
7Front camera
This shot was taken from the front camera in well lit conditions without zooming.
8Front camera with zoom
This shot was taken from front camera after 5 per cent of zoom
9Close up shot shot in dim lighting
It was shot in dim light using rear camera and flash.
10Close up shot
This shot was taken in dim light without using flash from rear camera.
11Night shot with flash
It was taken from rear camera using flash during night.
12Night shot without flash
It is the earlier shot taken without flash. during night.