Zync, an Indian Android tablet brand, has launched its first Android smartphone with 5 inch screen. The dual SIM smartphone, named as Zync Z5, is priced at Rs 9,490 and comes with an 8 Megapixel rear camera with flash and a front 0.3 megapixel camera.
The Z5 comes with a 1 GHz processor, 512 MB of RAM and is available exclusively through Snadeal.com right now.
The phone comes with a 5 inch display with 800×480 pixel resolution which is almost default resolution from Indian brands in this category. The phone gets a fairly large 2500 mAh battery.
The Zync Z5 weighs 192 grams but is slim with just 7 mm thickness. It is based on Android 4.0 ICS operating system and comes with 4 GB Internal Memory which is expandable by up to 32 GB. The phone offers 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth, Proximity Sensor and gravity sensors.
The phone is pitted against the likes of Micromax Canvas A110, which is priced at Rs 9,999 and offers better IPS panel display and dual core processor. Spice Stellar Horizon Mi500 and iBall Andi 5C are also available with slightly better specification but are expensive too with price around Rs 12,500.