As reported by The Mobile Indian earlier, Chinese manufacturer ZTE has launched six Android based smartphones in India under three series – Grand, Blade and Kis. The handsets are priced between Rs 5,000 and Rs 15,000. It has also launched four data cards in India.
The costliest among the six new devices is the ZTE Grand X which costs Rs 14,999. It has a 5-inch HD display screen, 1.2 GHz quad-core processor, Android 4.2 operating system and 1 GB RAM.
The next top end smartphone that ZTE has launched is Blade L, which is priced at Rs 12,599. It also has a 5-inch screen, but comes with a 1 GHz dual-core CPU, 512 MB RAM and runs on Android 4.0.
There are two 4.5 inch screen bearing devices as well, named as ZTE Blade E and Blade G2 which are priced at Rs 11,999 and Rs 11,599 respectively. Both the smartphones are powered by a 1.2 GHz quad-core CPU, 512MB RAM, and Android 4.1. Both have 5 Megapixel rear camera and 0.3 megapixel front camera. However, the difference lies in the battery; while the Blade E has a 2000 mAh battery, the G2 comes with a 1600 mAh battery.
In the budget category of Android smartphone ZTE has launched two smartphones ZTE Blade C and ZTE Kis Flex, priced at Rs 5,799 and Rs 7,599 respectively. ZTE Blade C has a 4-inch screen, 1 GHz dual-core CPU, 512 MB and Android 4.1 operating system. On the other hand ZTE Kis Flex has a 3.5-inch display, 1 GHz processor, 256 MB RAM and Android 2.3 operating system.
Along with the smartphones, ZTE has also launched four 3G-enabled data cards under the Swift range priced between Rs 1,799 and Rs 2,499.