ZTE Grand SII was unveiled yesterday and will be made available in the Indian market within a week and its price will be disclosed at the same time. Strangely, this smartphone which is based on Android 4.2 operating system will not upgradeable even to Android KitKat even though it has quite impressive features.
The Grand SII is quite light, weighs only 120 grams, and is just 7.9 mm thick. Also it has the powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 (MSM8674) Processor with clock speed of 2.2 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 16 GB of internal storage and a 32 GB micro SD card slot. The Grand SII’s 5.5 inch display also has full high definition (1080p) resolution.
A spokesperson of ZTE said, “ZTE Grand SII will not be upgradeable to next version of Android operating system because the custom user interface that has been overlaid on the OS will be no more updated.â€
In simple terms it means that just because of the user interface consumers who buy ZTE Grand SII will have to live with Android 4.2 operating system till the time they use the device.
This move by ZTE is quite strange because as per research reports once a consumer buys a new smartphone they tend to retain it for at least one year and in this period if they are not provided regular updates be in in terms of OS or fixes they have nothing to gain.
The ZTE Grand SII was unveiled way back in January this year and other specifications of the device are s a 13 megapixel rear auto focus camera and a 5 megapixel fixed focus front camera, 2500 mAh battery and 3G connectivity.