Zen Mobile, an Indian handset manufacturer, has launched a new Android Ice Cream Sandwich based tablet, named UltraTab A100, for Rs 6,199 in India. However, as a part of the initial phase, Homeshop18 is offering the tablet at a special price of Rs 5,999.
The Zen Ultratab A100 weighs 295 grams and has a 7 inch display. It is WiFi only tablet and powered by a 1.2 GHz processor. On the camera front, it has a 1.3 megapixel front camera with digital zoom.
Zen Mobile has provided an option to expand the memory of the tablet to 32 GB though a micro SD card and has also preloaded movies like “Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara” in the tablet.
Zen Mobile launches Android ICS tablet for Rs 5,999
Ultratab A100 weighs 295 gm and has a 7 inch display. It is WiFi only tablet and powered by a 1.2 GHz processor.