Zebronics has launched a new lantern wireless speaker ‘Atom’ for Rs 1,699. The wireless portable speaker comes in black colour and is available with leading retail stores across India.
The speaker comes with 60nos LED lights which gives a flame effect to set the perfect mood for any occasion. It features wireless Bluetooth version 4.2, supports USB & micro SD card, FM radio, AUX input, media control, call function and built-in rechargeable battery. The speaker will be fully charged in 3 – 4 hrs and the playback time is about 2 to 2.5 hrs. The dimension of the speaker are 100 x 179.2 mm (D x H) and it weighs 340 grams.
The wireless speaker comes with two options, either you can use BT to stream your music wirelessly or you can opt for the micro SD card to play your tracks. There are buttons in the middle that help you change the track, increase or decrease the volume. There is a button to switch on the lamp and it comes with built-in rechargeable batteries.
‘Atom’ is built for festivities, users can enjoy with this wireless speaker and make home lit for house parties while playing their favourite tracks. The Atom speaker has a flame light with 60 LED’s emitting a warm fluorescent orange glow, which emits the effect of a burning candle.
Speaking on the newest launch, Pradeep Doshi, Director – Zebronics says,” We’re geared for the festive season with our enchanting 2 in 1 speaker and lamp ‘Atom’. This wireless speaker is ideal for festivities, occasions and even gifting because it features the effect of a burning candle with the benefits of a wireless speaker.”