WhatsApp has introduced new features for its app, potentially allowing for quicker ways to chat. One of the features allows you to double tap to react to WhatsApp Messages, a feature that has been available in Meta’s other social media platform, Instagram, for a long time now.
As announced via a Meta blog post, the four new features the company has introduced in WhatsApp include:
- Camera effects:Â Now, when you take and send a video or photo in your chats, you can choose from 30 backgrounds, filters and effects to transform your shots.
- Selfie stickers: You can now turn your selfies into stickers. To get started, tap the create sticker icon and you’ll see the camera option to take a selfie and create your sticker. This feature is available on Android now and coming to iOS soon.
- Share a sticker pack:Â Spotted a sticker pack you know a friend will love? Now you can share them directly in your chats.Â
- Quicker reactions:Â You can now double tap to react to WhatsApp messages as it quickly gives you an option to scroll through your most-used reactions.
These features not only allow for quicker ways to chat on WhatsApp but also allows for a more personalised and fun experience while chatting on the platform.
Meanwhile, back last year, the company introduced chat themes for WhatsApp beta users. With the WhatsApp Chat themes on Android, users will get an option within the app settings to select a default chat theme that will be applied to all chats. In addition, for users who want more variety, they can choose different themes for specific conversations within the chat info screen, making it easier to differentiate between personal, work, and group chats.