Chipset maker, Nvidia has introduced its second generation tablet platform – Tegra Note, for $199 or Rs 12,612 approximately. The good new is that Indian handset manufacturer, Xolo will launch the re-branded Tegra Note tablet in India, expectedly next month at an affordable price. The tablet will compete with the Asus Google Nexus 7 and Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 which are slotted around the same price point.
Earlier in July this year, Xolo had launched the Xolo Play smartphone, becoming the first Indian handset manufacturer to launch a smartphone with Tegra 3.
The Tegra Note features a 7-inch touchscreen display with 1280×800 pixel resolution. This display is capable of supporting the Nvidia DirectStylus technology for improved passive stylus performance. Nvidia has also packed two different tips for this stylus – Chisel and brush tips for more finer and broader strokes.
The Tegra Note is powered by the quad-core Nvidia Tegra 4 system-on-chip comprising of four Cortex-A15 cores and 72 graphic cores of GeForce GPU. This powerful tablet is said to run 100 per cent Android Jelly Bean update (unspecified version) which means there will be no custom skin layer on top of it.
Nvidia has also integrated the PureAudio technology to deliver rich, deep audio output through the front-facing stereo speakers on the Tegra Note. Nvidia boasts of the groundbreaking Chimera computational photography architecture that brings amazing effects with different camera apps.
Nvidia has added 5 Megapixel camera at the back for imaging and there is a front facing VGA camera to be used for video chat. Nvidia promises to push the Android updates over the air directly from their servers to ensure most current software.
The Tegra Note features a micro-HDMI connector to hook the tablet to the big screen TV video and gaming. The tablet promises about 10 hours of HD video playback.