Xolo had announced the Q3000 last month with amazing features and hardware. The phone is now listed for pre-order at the Tradus Website for Rs 20,999. The Xolo Q3000 smartphone arrives to compete with the recently announce Micromax Canvas Turbo with similar specifications.
The Q3000 flaunts a 5.7-inch IPS LCD display with full HD (1920×1080) resolution. The Q3000 is powered by quad-core 1.5 GHz MediaTek MT6589T mobile processor paired with PowerVR SGX544 GPU. The smartphone runs Android 4.2 Jelly Bean and 2 GB RAM.
Xolo has added 16 GB internal storage and memory slot to hold up to 32 GB micro SD card slot. At its rear, there is a 13 megapixel BSI 2 sensor clad camera with LED Flash and autofocus. In the front, it has a 5 megapixel camera with BSI sensor and wide-angle for video calling/chats. Merely 8.9 mm thick, the Q3000 supports dual SIM (GSM+GSM) configuration.
The Xolo Q3000 is priced couple of grands higher than the Micromax Canvas Turbo and it would be great to compare both these handsets.