Just a few days back Xolo launched Omega 5.5 for Rs 9,999 while a week back Xiaomi Redmi Note was launched for Rs 8,999. Both the smartphones are priced below Rs 10,000 mark and are gaining lot of tractions. Let’s try to find out which one is better.
Price and availability
In terms of Pricing Xiaomi Redmi Note is cheaper by Rs 1,000 as compared to Xolo Omega 5.5 but in terms of availability Omega 5.5 has an edge. In the days to come it will available across India both on online stores as well as physical retail stores. As far as Xiaomi is concerned it is “Gone in 60 seconds” whenever it is made available on its exclusive online partner’s site (Flipkart).
Both, Xolo Omega 5.5 and Xiaomi Redmi Note have a 5.5-inch (720×1280 pixels) display but Omega has 294ppi which makes the display sharper. Apart from that Redmi Note has IPS-LCD display while Omega 5.5 has HD IPS display.
Xiaomi Redmi Note has 1.7 GHz octa core Processor as compared to 1.4 GHz octa core processor of Omega 5.5. Here we can see Redmi is offering slightly higher clock speed.
Xiaomi Redmi Note has an upper hand in terms of RAM as it has 2GB RAM as compared to 1 GB of Omega 5.5. As far as Internal Memory and expandable memory is concerned both have 8 GB of ROM and microSD card slot that can accommodate 32 GB card.
Both the smartphones have 13 Megapixel rear camera with flash Camera specification but in front camera department Redmi Note has 5 megapixel camera while Omega has 2 megapixel.
Battery is one of the main features that consumers pay attention while planning to buy a new smartphone and in this department Xiaomi Redmi Note has a 3200 mAh battery as compared to 2600 mAh battery of Omega 5.5. In both the smartphone battery can be removeable.
Apart from providing dual SIM connectivity, Xiaomi and Xolo have provided 3G, Wifi, GPS and Bluetooth option in Redmi Note and Omega 5.5.
User interface
As far as user interface is concerned, both Xiaomi and Xolo have overlaid Android operating system with their own interface.
Xiaomi’s has used MIUI which look like iOS interface and lacks App drawer. While, Xolo has HIVE UI and is still in development phase.