Xiaomi Redmi Note is expected to be launched in India in December for less than Rs 10,000. Mi India ( Xiaomi) Facebook page is running a contest which hints at the same and says , “Show us your creative side and win a Redmi Note from Mi!.”
Xiaomi Redmi Note has a 5.5-inch IPS display with 1280×720 pixel resolution. Powered by an octa-core 1.7 GHz MediaTek MT6592 mobile chipset, the Redmi Note has 2 GB RAM to ensure the MIUI version based on Android operating system run smoothly.
Tthe Redmi Note offers 8 GB on-board storage. The memory slot can support up to 32 GB on-board storage. Redmi Note supports dual SIM configuration and supports one 3G network enabled SIM card.
At the back, Redmi Note packs a 13 megapixel camera with LED flash and f/2.2 aperture. In the front it has a 5 megapixel camera for taking self portraits and HD videos. Other significant features include Gyroscope, Light Sensor, Accelerometer, Proximity Sensor, E-Compass, GPS with A-GPS, Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy, USB On-the-Go and WiFi support. MI has powered the Redmi Note with 3100 mAh lithium-polymer battery.
Since its foray in Indian market Xiaomi has been launching its products at regular intervals and it has exclusively used online ecommerce portal (Flipfart) to sell its products. As a result of this approach they have been able to keep a tab on the price of their product because they don’t have to spent money on distribution network. The flipside of this approach is that most of the potential new buyers (their number is significantly larger than those of online shoppers) who do their smartphone shopping in physical store don’t consider Xiaomi products.