Xiaomi today launched its Redmi Note 3 in India. The 2 GB version of Redmi Note 3 is to be available for Rs 9,999 while the 3 GB model is priced at Rs 11,999. Both the models will be available from Mi.com as well as from Amazon.in from March 9. Xiaomi has already started the registration process for its first flash sale.
Xiaomi has also launched a Bluetooth speaker, called Mi Bluetooth speaker, at Rs 1,999 which will be available around Holi, from Mi.com.
The Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 comes with a full metal body and comes with a 5.5 inch full HD display. It is armed with the 1.8 Ghz Qualcomm Snapdragon 650 hexa core processor that runs this Android Lollipop based smartphone. The smartphone has a fingerprint sensor as well. Note that the 2 GB model has 16 GB of Internal Memory while the 3 GB versions has 32 GB of internal storage.
The Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 has a 16 Megapixel rear camera and a 5 megapixel front camera. The rear camera is equipped with 5 element lens, f/2.0 aperture, 78 degree wide angle lens, two tone flash light, panorama, HDR, and manual mode features. The front camera also has a f/2.0 Aperture and it has face recognition and Beautify modes.
It is based on the Android Lollipop operating system and has a customised interface – MIUI 7. The Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 dual SIM with 4G connectivity, Bluetooth 4.1, dual Band WiFi, WiFi Direct, and GPS with AGPS, GLONASS and Beidou. The Note 3 has IR blaster which will allow it to be used as a remote controller. Besides it has electronic compass, gyroscope, gravity sensor, proximity, hall, and light sensors.