After opening its first Mi store in Jaipur last month, Xiaomi has now opened its first Mi Home Store in Mohali, Punjab today. The store is located at VR Punjab mall in Mohali.
Currently, the company’s Mi Home stores are located in other cities such as Jaipur, Kolkatta, Coimbatore, Bengaluru, Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Pune, Bhopal, Gurugram, Noida and Chennai.
Xioami has announced this new development through its official Twitter handle post. The tweet reads “Mi fans! We’re live with our first #MiHome in Mohali, Punjab at @vr_punjab Mall. Drop in & experience Mi products like never before. To locate, click here –”.
For the unintended, Xiaomi Mi Store is basically an exclusive retail store where the company will showcase its vast product portfolio which includes smartphones, accessories, Mi Purifier 2 and more. Users can experience and purchase the latest products through these stores. Further, the store will also showcase product ranges that are not launched in India as well. The company is also planning to open 100 more stores in India in next two years and will set up Mi Home experience zones as well.
With this, Xiaomi is now eying the retail market as well. Xiaomi will continue to expand its offline presence with retailers and distributors in the country through its Direct to Retail (DTR) model which eliminates several layers within the offline distribution channel. This will allow Xiaomi to maintain price parity between products sold across both its online and offline channels.