Xiaomi has launched two new Mi earphones – Mi Earphones Basic and Mi Earphone – in India which are priced Rs 399 onwards. The Mi Earphones Basic costs Rs 399 and is available in black and red colours while the other one is priced at Rs 699 and costs black and silver options.
The earphones are now on sale on Mi.com.As per Xiaomi, the Mi Basic earphones come with ultra low bass and aluminium alloy sound chamber. According to the company, “it comes with 3rd generation balanced damping system that enhances sound and air flow, producing vivid stereo effects and a transparent well-balanced output”.
Besides, it has silicone earbuds, play/pause button and a mic. The AUX jack, like other Xiaomi earphones, has been bent to a 45-degree angle allowing for longer durability.
The Mi Headphones, which costs Rs 699, comes with the metal sound chamber. Weighing just 14 grams, the earphones come with dynamic bass, volume and answer/ end call buttons and Kevlar fibre cable for enhanced durability.
The Mi Earphones also come with 3rd generation balanced damping system that, as per the company, creates a transparent sound. As per Xiaomi, it has been subjected to over 700 reliability tests.The Mi earphones are available in XS, S, and L sizes to fit most ear sizes. Unlike the Mi Earphones Basic, its Headphone jack is angled at 90-degrees.