In quick succession of launching an Android Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) based Wammy 7 tablet for just Rs 5,249, Wicked Leak has now unveiled another ICS based 3G tablet for Rs 11,499.
The new tablet, called Wammy Plus, is a 7-inch tablet with 800 x 480 pixel resolutions and has calling capabilities. It is powered by 1 GHz processor, 512 MB RAM and features 4 GB internal memory. The storage capacity can be expanded via a slot provided for a 32GB micro SD card.
It has a 3000 mAh battery under the hood and in terms of connectivity, WiFi and 3G options through a SIM slot will be available for the consumers.
Wammy Plus has a VGA camera both at front and rear and has HDMI port which will allow simultaneous streaming of content on the tablet as well as the HDTV. Wicked Leak has started taking pre orders for Wammy Plus through its website and delivery of the product will commence from July 1.
We have already reviewed Wammy 7, an ICS based 7 inch tablet which features a capacitive touch screen with 1.2 GHz ARM Cortex A10 and 512 MB DDR3 RAM. You can check its review out over here.