Popular multi-platform instant messaging service – WhatsApp has rolled out a new major feature voice messaging for all its applications based on different mobile platforms. WhatsApp chief executive officer and co-founder, Jan Koum, informed AllThingsD about the roll out of the new feature. The feature has already been released for Android version of WhatsApp while the same for its other mobile platform versions – iOS, BlackBerry, Windows Phone and Nokia S40 – would be released soon.
WhatsApp has gained as much popularity across different mobile platforms as the BlackBerry Messenger for the BlackBerry platform. However, off late there has been rise in WhatsApp like services such as Line, WeChat, Viber, Tango, and more. WeChat has been aggressively pushing the feature rich mobile App for the Android as well as iOS platform in which the voice messaging is one of the highlights.
To use the voice messaging feature, use the mic icon that appears in the right corner of the app screen next to the text box. Users need to tap and hold that mic icon to record messages up to two minutes long for sending it to a contact or a group.
With the new voice messaging feature, WhatsApp competes with several other third party apps such as Skype, Line, WeChat, and many more. Here is exactly where Google lacks in providing support for Voice Messaging through the new Hangouts service. However, Instant Messaging has just got interesting for the BlackBerry Messenger for Android and iOS platforms are expected to arrive in couple of months from now.