WhatsApp has finally started a fingerprint lock feature for Android. The company has revealed that customers can set fingerprint lock on the Messaging application without needing any third-party app.
Interestingly, iOS users are enjoying both the TouchID and FaceID biometric authentication since February this year. With this, Android users can choose fingerprints as authentication to unlock the application. Furthermore, users can choose the time limit for the app to automatically lock. Users can choose between options like Immediately, After 1 minute and After 30 minutes. One can also choose whether they want to see content in the notification panel or not.
To use this feature, you need to go to Settings > Account > Privacy > Fingerprint lock. Turn on Unlock with fingerprint, and confirm your fingerprint. To recall, this feature first appeared in WhatsApp beta update in August this year.
Meanwhile, WhatsApp’s parent company Facebook sued Israeli cyber-security company NSO alleging that it used WhatsApp servers to spread malware to 1,400 users across 20 countries, including journalists, diplomats, human rights activists and senior government officials.
The spyware gave the attackers access to users’ messages, calls and passwords as it took over the phone’s operating system. WhatsApp has declined to give the exact number of those targeted but claims each affected user was informed.