Western Digital has today launched the new My Passport Go SSD in India. The latest addition to the WD My Passport family, the My Passport Go SSD features up to 1TB of portable SSD storage in a durable, convenient form factor that includes an integrated cable and rubber bumper.
The My Passport Go SSD is available in two colours, Cobalt Blue and Amber and in capacities of 500GB priced at Rs 14500 and 1TB priced at Rs 29500 in India starting today, only on Amazon India.
The My Passport Go SSD features a shock-absorbing rubber bumper and no moving parts, making it drop-resistant up to 2 meters and helping keep consumers’ content safe from bumps and shakes. Its pocket-sized form factor and built-in cable make the My Passport Go drive incredibly convenient without leaving important components behind.
At more than 2.5x faster than most portable hard drives, the My Passport Go delivers SSD performance of up to 400MB/s. Fully compatible with PC or Mac computers, the My Passport Go SSD also comes with a three-year limited warranty, easy-to-use automatic backup software for Windows, and is also Time Machine compatible for Mac backup (reformatting required).