Dolby, a San Francisco-headquartered company, is the movers and shakers behind the magic we hear in some of the devices – Mobiles, televisions, sound bars when we are listening to music. But that’s not all, even the Dolby powered cinema halls bring to you an immersive sound experience in movie halls.
Dolby, as a company has always connected with the masses through it partners like PVR, LG, Lenovo and Huawei. They believe that only a joint approach or to say efforts can improve the roll out time of a technology. It aims to provide more and more people with an unparallel sound experience irrespective on the screen.
The Mobile Indian recently caught up with Ashim Mathur, Senior Director – Marketing, Dolby. He shared insights about what the company plans to do make the sound experience of every Indian better irrespective of whether they consume content in a movie hall, mobile, laptop or Television.
Watch thevideo interview to know what all was shared by Ashim.