HMD recently lauched Nokia 5310 feature phone in India and plans to launch a couple of more smartphones in India soon. We interviewed Sanmeet Singh Khocchar, VP, HMD to understand what’s Nokia roadmap for India. Here are excerpts from the interaction.
HMD has recently launched, Nokia 5310 but it doesn’t support 4G SIM. Is it a miss?
Nokia 5310 is meant for those customers who want audio and music capabilities in their smartphone and it is targeted at those customers who wish to use the only 2G network.
What is the reason for choosing stock Android in Nokia smartphones?
The foremost reason for going with Stock Android is to keep the phone bloatware free and provide regular updates. Also, we don’t want to interfere with the way customers want to customize their smartphone.
Where do you manufacture your smartphones which are consumed by Indians?
India is one of the biggest markets in the world and the most important market for us. We produce almost 99 per cent smartphones in India which are used by Indians.
Can India become a global manufacturing hub for smartphones?
India is on the right path to make it big in the manufacturing space and it can definitely become the most sought after manufacturing destination in the world. Even we plan to scale up our manufacturing in India so that we can export our future smartphones from India.
Can Nokia take on Chinese smartphones?
Yes, we can take on any brand from any country.
To watch the complete interview check-out the video below: