Vodafone India has partnered with Flipkart to offer a range of entry level smartphones at an unbelievable price of just Rs 999. As a part of this partnership, Vodafone has rolled out exciting cash back offers on the select range of entry-level 4G Smartphone models available under Flipkart’s #MyFirst4GSmartphone campaign. The offer is valid from January 24 (00:00 hrs) to March 31 (23:59 hrs).
All existing and new Vodafone pre-paid customers who purchase any of the eligible popular entry-level smartphones available on Flipkart can enjoy the cash back offers. To avail this special offer, customers have to simply do a recharge of at least Rs 150 per month for 36 months. This can be a single recharge or can be multiple recharges which can be accumulated. At the end of 18 months, customers will receive a cash back of Rs 900 and after another 18 months, a cash back of Rs 1,100 respectively, thus availing a total cash back of Rs 2000. The cash back will be credited to their Vodafone M-Pesa wallets, enabling them to transact digitally or withdraw cash, as per their convenience.
Speaking about the offer, Avneesh Khosla, Associate Director – Consumer Business, Vodafone India said, “We are delighted to partner with Flipkart and extend this offer to our existing and new pre-paid customers. This is an initiative to make 4G smartphones available at a never before price points and thus, democratize access to Vodafone SuperNet 4G. We hope that this will help fulfill the aspirations of several million phone users across the country who desire a smart phone but couldn’t afford one. It will also encourage current non users of 4G to upgrade and enjoy a richer user experience with Vodafone SuperNet 4G.”
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Ayyappan Rajagopal, Senior Director – Smartphones at Flipkart, said, “Flipkart focuses on ensuring a shopping experience for customers that is driven by a diverse selection and great offers. This association marries well with Flipkart’s vision of making smartphone technology affordable and accessible to everyone in the country.”