The telecom operator Vodafone has launched a new prepaid plan of Rs 999 with a validity of 365 days. The Rs 999 prepaid recharge is valid only to Punjab circle at the moment, but it’s expected to be available in other circles in the coming days.
Telecom Talk reports, Rs 999 prepaid recharge pack offers unlimited voice calling and 100 SMS messages per day benefits. However, the pack offers only 12GB of 3G/4G data for the whole validity period. The plan also offers Vodafone Play subscription for free. This plan has been introduced to compete with Airtel long term prepaid plan of Rs 998 that offers similar benefits.
Airtel Rs 998 plan comes with a validity of 336 days. Airtel is offering users a total of 12GB of data along with unlimited voice calling (local / STD / National roaming) and 300 SMS per month under this plan.
The news related to the Rs 999 Vodafone plan comes a day after we heard of Vodafone launching a ‘Filmy Recharge’ prepaid plan of Rs 16 which comes with a validity of just one day. The Rs 16 Vodafone prepaid plan will offer 1GB 2G/3G/4G data to the subscribers for a day. The plan does not offer ant SMS benefit or Talk time benefit but it comes only with data.
Earlier Vodafone announced that it will give free data to its customers upgrading to 4G SIM. Under this offer, whenever a subscriber upgrades to 4G SIM, he/she will get the free data, which will be credited to their accounts on activation. One can check the data benefits on MyVodafone application. With this, customers with 4G VoLTE-compatible smartphones will enjoy high-speed internet, calls and more. One will also get access to Vodafone Play application, which comes with a host of interesting content that can be easily streamed.