Vodafone India has announced a new Rs 509 plan dubbed as ‘Ramzan se Eid ul Zuha tak’ recharge for its customers in India. The plan offers 1.4 GB data per day and unlimited calling and it comes with a validity of 90 days.
Alongside Rs 509 plan, Vodafone has also launched two other plans of Rs 569 and Rs 511 which offers 3GB data per day and unlimited calls for 84 days, and 2GB data per day and unlimited calling for 84 days respectively. All three plans are only available in Karnataka as of now between the months of May and August.
As per Vodafone, customers can also download the Vodafone Play App, which allows them to watch Makkah and Madinah live.
Amit Kapur, Business Head – Karnataka, Vodafone India said: “At the onset of the month of spiritual cleansing and fasting, Vodafone wishes all the residents of Karnataka a blessed Ramzan. To keep our customers connected with their friends, family and associates all through Ramzan and the coming months till Eid ul Zuha, Vodafone has introduced a first of its kind ‘Ramzan se Eid ul Zuha Tak’ 509 recharge.”