Vivo is all set to debut a new smartphone in India under its T-series devices, shortly after it launched the Vivo T3 Pro 5G in the country. While there’s no word on its specifications, the India price of all the variants of Vivo T3 Ultra have been leaked, suggesting it will be competing with a tough competitor in the segment — OnePlus Nord 4 5G.
As leaked by tipster Abhishek Yadav on X, the 8GB + 128GB model of the device will cost Rs 30,999, while the 8GB + 256GB and 12GB + 256GB trims will cost Rs 32,999 and Rs 34,999, respectively. In addition, he also stated the colour options the device will be available in, including Lunar Gray and Frost Green. This is all leaked information so one should take it with a pinch of salt.
If true, the Vivo T3 Ultra will be competing with the likes of OnePlus Nord 4 5G, Realme GT 6T, iQOO Neo 9 Pro, and more such options in the segment. When we reviewed the Nord 4 recently, we concluded that it’s a smartphone you should definitely consider over its competitors due to the value it provides for the price.
Some leaks suggest it will come with a MediaTek Dimensity 9200+ SoC under the hood. It will be intriguing to see how the Vivo T3 Ultra competes with the Nord 4, especially if it launches at the rumored price point.
The Vivo T3 Ultra has been recently spotted on the Bluetooth SIG website with model number V2426. Additionally, as reported by TheTechOutLook, the Vivo T3 Ultra has also appeared on the BIS certification website with the same V2426 model number, suggesting the India launch of the device is imminent.
There have been no official announcements regarding the device. It is expected that the device will launch sometime during September in India.