The taxi-hailing App company, Uber has announced a new mobile web-based version in India. This will now allow users to book a cab without using the application. The brand has unveiled two new features, including the ride for a guest and call to ride functionality.
With the new features, the company is trying to focus on the costumes with limited internet or smartphone access. One will be able to book a rides via > login/signup uber account > select your current location > enter drop location > choose mode of ride(uberGo, uberMOTO and more) > select mode of payment via Paytm or cash > confirm ride.
Further, the company is currently working on the “call-to-ride” function, by testing the first pilot in Pune. This will allow users to dial a nationwide number to book a cab, the rider will be provided with a four-digit code via SMS and board the cab at the pickup point. One can cancel the cab ride at any point calling from the same mobile number.
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Moving the ride for a guest feature, it is introduced in the upcoming week for the Android, iOS and web users as well. With this, one will be able to book a cab for their guest or family member using feature phones. The guest rider will receive an SMS with info like driver name, car number, ETA information, etc and will be charged to the person who requested it.