Timex India has announced the launch of its health monitoring smartwatch “Timex FIT” in India that comes equipped with a unique Telemedicine feature which offers quick and easy access to book and consult with a doctor through the Timex FIT App. It also allows you to share your health and wellness data with your loved ones; enabling them to remotely monitor your wellbeing and be alerted should you require help.
The Timex Fit smartwatch is available at authorized Timex retailers or on the official website shop.timexindia.com, at a price point starting at Rs 6,995. The watch comes with a 6-day battery life and is designed to monitor your body temperature, blood oxygen level and heart rate. It comes with a smart sleep monitor system, activity tracker and sedentary reminder that can help you achieve a balanced lifestyle by keeping a track of your everyday routine.
With a full-colour touch screen and 10 different sports modes, this smartwatch also supports 10 watch faces that let you personalize by setting your favourite photos as your watch face. Featuring an array of styles, the smartwatch is available in Black Mesh and Rose Gold Mesh straps along with Black, Black Red and Black Blue Silicone Strap.
The watch comes with a 1-year warranty. You can download the Timex FIT App from the App store or Play Store and pair your Timex Fit watch to get access to more features. Commenting on this new launch, Ajay Dhyani, Head- Marketing and E-Commerce, Timex Group said, “With the demand for telehealth services increasing at an exponential rate, we are excited to announce the launch of Timex’s new smartwatch, Timex Fit”.
“By introducing Telemedicine feature in Timex Fit smartwatch, we have tried to give our customers the comfort of consulting or booking an appointment with the doctor without actually visiting their clinic”, he added.