Telegram has revealed that it has reached 400 million users globally, up from 300 million a year ago. The company has revealed new features in order to celebrate this occasion.
The Messaging App introduced Quiz Mode in January this year and it has revealed that it is upgrading quizzes with educational features. One can now add explanations that appear as users respond to quiz questions, helping them learn from their mistakes, or giving them more context. Furthermore, users can set a timer for questions when they create a quiz via QuizBot. The timer comes with new countdown animation as well.
The brand has also revealed that it is announcing a crowd-sourcing initiative in which we will distribute EUR 400,000 among creators of educational tests. The company will post the quizzes created by the user in a searchable directory and based on their quality and popularity, Telegram will then announce the winners in several stages. The submissions for the first stage ends on May 15.
Telegram also says that it has over 20,000 high-quality free Telegram stickers. Users can now search all the stickers using the sticker directory. One can find the stickers using the search functionality. Furthermore, the brand has introduced new bullseye Emoji that can now take a shot at throwing animated darts in any chat to see who hits the bullseye first.
For Android users, the company has introduced a new attachment menu that is now accessible as expandable layers, making the menu sleek, chic, and easier to use. Users of Telegram for macOS can now access Shared Media straight from the redesigned profile pages.