Tata Sky has reportedly announced a hike in its existing minimum recharge amount. Tata Sky users won’t be able to recharge their account with any amount below Rs 50 from February 11 onwards.
With this, Tata Sky subscribers will have to recharge their accounts with a minimum of Rs 50 pack. Now Tata Sky will be equivalent to Airtel Digital TV and D2H, both of which also have a minimum recharge requirement of Rs 50 and above. However, Dish TV subscribers can recharge with a minimum value of Rs 10.
DreamDTH reports that Firdous Fatima, a Tata Sky representative said, “We are revising the minimum recharge amount on our platform from the current Rs. 20 to Rs. 50. Starting 11th Feb 2020 recharges below Rs. 50 wouldn’t be allowed/successful both on Tata Sky platforms as well as via 3rd party apps. In case any subscriber enters an amount less than Rs. 50 and tries to recharge, an appropriate message would be displayed to him on his screen. Recharge wouldn’t proceed in such cases.”
The report says that the company has notified all of its subscribers about this upcoming change via SMS. Till now, the minimum recharge amount was Rs 20 but this will be increased to Rs 50 from 11 February. Now the operator has hiked the minimum recharge value by a massive 150%.
The new move comes after recently after Tata Sky discontinued its standard definition (SD) set-top box from 5th February 2020. The SD box is now no longer available to purchase for new connections. Customers who booked an SD connection in recent times will get the Set-Top Box installed. Also, Tata Sky will continue providing support for SD Set-Top Box.