Tata Docomo has announced the launch of its new Photon Max service in Bangalore. The new Tata Docomo Photon Max offers speeds up to 6.2 Mbps through its CDMA network. Tata Photo Plus on the other hand offers 3.1 Mbps speed only.
This service also brings the max speed closer to what the GSM 3G services offer. While max 3G speed currently being offered is 21 Mbps, most of the plans only offer only 7.2 Mbps.
With the launch in Bangalore, the service is now available in 17 cities in the country including Hyderabad, Patna, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Mundra, Ernakulum (Cochin), Trivandrum, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Jalandhar, Amritsar, Chennai, Kanpur, Lucknow and Kolkata.
Tata Docomo Photon Max dongles are available for Rs 1,999, along with a double benefit unlimited plan for customers where they will get flat bill cap of Rs 1,000 every month under which they can utilize 6 GB data at up to 6.2 Mbps (downlink) speed for first three months and 3 GB from 4th month onwards. Post this data limit, speeds will be capped at up to 153.6 Kbps with no extra usage charges.
Tata Docomo claims that its Photon Max operates at a Frequency of 800 MHz which gives you superior indoor connectivity, compared to GSM 3G services which operate in 2100 MHz band.
There are no additional Roaming charges across 17 cities in India where Photon Max coverage is available. In regions where Photon Max coverage is not available, the services will continue to operate at Photon Plus speeds of up to 3.1 Mbps (Downlink) and 1.8 Mbps (Uplink).