It’s been a month since Syska launched the Power Vault 200 Power Bank for a price of Rs 1,299. Now the company has unveiled the Syska Splendent – a rechargeable LED batten for power cuts during the summer. The Syska Splendent rechargeable LED batten will be available for an asking price of Rs 1,100.
The emergency LED batten will provide light in case of power cuts during the summer. It comes with a light mode selection which allows users to adjust the brightness to conserve the emergency battery life for prolonged power cuts. There’s a Charging Indicator on the LED light which shows the battery status of the lamp.
The Syska Splendent is lightweight and comes with uniform light dispersion which illuminates every corner of the room. It equips a pull switch cord which can be pulled out when the LED light needs to be charged. The in-built cell protection makes it easy for current regulation as to avoid any excessive current flowing in the batten during charging or discharging.
Speaking about their latest product, SYSKA Group Director, Rajesh Uttamchandani said “The introduction of Syska Splendent emergency batten is to provide our consumers with an enriching LED lighting experience. At Syska, we employ cutting EDGE technological innovations to introduce new products in the market. Syska emergency LED batten is a problem solver for every household that faces power cut as it offers light even when there is a power failure or power outage. Syska as a company is focused on continuously innovating and introducing new products in the LED space by identifying the evolving needs of consumers”.
The Syska Splendent (SSK-EMT-S-8W) rechargeable LED Batten comes at a price of Rs 1,100 in India.