Spice has launched a new full touch screen handset in its Flo series. The phone, called Spice Flo Me M-6868n, is a Dual-SIM touchscreen phone with 3.5 inch capacitive display and a new user interface.
The phone has GPRS, EDGE, Bluetooth, and WiFi connectivity. Spice Flo Me has 3.2 Megapixel camera with video recording feature as well. Besides, it has features like Opera Mobile 10 browser, WAP, Java, 312 MHz processor, and 8 GB expandable memory.
Kunal Ahooja, global head, devices, S Mobility said, “There has been a growing demand for affordable touch screen phones which can do so much ranging from multimedia to social networking to even your official work. Flo Me M-6868n is a result of our endeavour to provide the youth not only a good multimedia experience but a stylish and feature packed product at an affordable price.”
Spice Flo Me M6868n is priced at Rs 4,550 but is available for Rs 3,900 through online retailers.