Sony Mobile has been in rumors lately for a Google Android based smartphone codenamed as Honami. Sony recently got some excitement amongst smartphone enthusiasts with its Xperia Z and Xperia Z Ultra smartphones. Soon, Sony Mobile plans to introduce another Xperia series smartphone dubbed as Xperia Z1. Sony Mobile’s official Twitter account shared an image of power button without sharing much details about the smartphone’s name.
Sony Mobile’s Honami i1 has been rumored since months and several images as well as reports about specifications have cropped. Sony’s Honami handset might be launched as Xperia Z1 smartphone.
The Xperia Z1 will feature a unique slim design and styling in according to the current Xperia NXT series. The image of the power button teased is similar to the one in Xperia Z and Xperia Z ultra. The Xperia Z1 is expected to have a 5-inch display with full HD resolution. At the back, it would feature a 20.7 Megapixel camera with Exmor RS image sensor and Sony G-Lens optics. The shared image also hints a dedicated camera button. In the front it is likely to have be a 2 megapixel camera.
This smartphone in all likelihood will be powered by the quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 mobile Processor with support from 2 GB RAM and 16 GB internal storage. There will be a micro SD card slot to hold up to 32 GB micro SD card. Like the other Xperia Z series models, even the Z1 will feature waterproof and dustproof chassis. Sony also would pack a 3000 mAh big battery to power this smartphone.