Sony India has expanded its wireless headphones catalogue with the launch of the Sony WI-C310 and WI-C200 wireless neckband style headphones in India. The earphones come with voice assist functions, magnetic housing and are available in India for a starting price of Rs 2,490.
The Sony WI-C310 and WI-C200 wireless earphones offer music on the move through Bluetooth connectivity. The devices can offer a battery life of up to 15 hours of playback and comes with a quick charge function that gives users 60 minutes of playback in just 10 minutes of charging.
The wireless in-ear headphones additionally come with Voice Assist function which can trigger either Google Assistant or Siri depending upon the device it’s connected to. There’s an inbuilt microphone which allows users to ask Google Assistant or Siri execute several tasks like checking the weather, listen to music and setting reminders. Users can also press the multi-function button on the earphones twice to get instant access to Siri or Google Assistant.
Both Sony wireless earphones come with 9mm driver units and Frequency response of 20 Hz–20,000 Hz. Each earbud has a built-in magnet for tangle-free carrying and storage and can be used around-the-neck when not in use. Sony claims that the WI-C310 and WI-C200 earphones weigh in at 15 grams and can be carried all day long.
In addition to quick charging, the earphones come with a Type C cable and can be fully charged in three hours.
The Sony WI-C310 and Sony WI-C200 wireless in-ear headphones will be available across all Sony Centers and major electronic stores in India. The Sony WI-C200 has been listed on Sony India website for a price of Rs 2,490 and is available in Black and White colours. The Sony WI-C310, on the other hand, can be purchased on Gold, Blue and Black colours though its price hasn’t been revealed yet.