Sony India today announced a new addition to its voice recorder range with ICD-PX470. The company has launched ICD-PX470 digital voice recorder for Rs 4,990.
ICD-PX470 digital voice recorder will be available across Sony retail stores (Sony Center and Sony Exclusive), portal, major electronic stores and on Amazon and Flipkart e-commerce portal in India from 14th September 2020.
The PX470 offers high quality and reliable recording with superior voice clarity. The device comes equipped with 4GB Internal Memory which is expandable to 32GB with micro SD. It gives you a maximum recording time of 59 hours 35 mins when recording in stereo at MP3 128kbps.
One can simply plug the ICD-PX470 straight into a free USB port for an immediate connection and transfer of data. With the high-sensitivity, low-noise S-microphone, you can now record audio sources without capturing excessive background noise. The company claims that even the sound of birds twittering in the distance can now be captured clearly.
S-microphone system records distant or quiet sounds clearly and the auto voice recording reduces background noise. The supplied AAA battery with voice recorder will last for up to 55 hours.