Sony launched its X80L series TVs in India last week in two sizes, such as 43-inch, 50-inch and 85-inch. Now, the brand has debuted its X75L series TVs in 43, 50, 55, and 65-inch display sizes. The Sony X75L series TVs come with 4K Processor X1, 16GB of onboard storage, variable Refresh Rate and much more. Read on to know further details about the new TVs from Sony in India.
Sony X75L series TVs: Price
The 43-inch variant of Sony Bravia X75L starts at Rs 69,900 whereas the 50-inch model is priced at Rs 85,900. The price of the 65-inch variant is set at 1,39,900. The price of the 55-inch variant is yet to be announced. The television will be available for purchase from Sony centres, major electronic stores, and e-commerce portals starting today.
Sony X75L series TVs: Features, Specs
As for the series’ specs and features, all the models in the lineup have 4K HDR LCD displays with a Resolution of 3840 x 2160 resolution. They pack Sony’s 4K processor X1 alongside 16GB of onboard storage. The panels have a refresh rate of 50Hz.
Read More: Sony Bravia X80L series TVs launched in India: Specs, Price
The televisions feature variable refresh rate, auto-low Latency mode (ALLM), auto HDR tone mapping, and a dedicated game mode when PS5 is connected. The Bravia X75L runs on Android TV with Google TV skin on top. The televisions support Apple AirPlay 2, Apple HomeKit, Chromecast, and voice search via Google Assistant and Alexa.
The 43-inch and 50-inch models have 20W open baffle speakers with Dolby Audio support. Connectivity options on the TVs include 4 x HDMI 2.1 ports, Dual-Band WiFi, Bluetooth 5, an Ethernet port, 2 x USB ports, and a headphone jack. Lastly, the TVs pack the ability to upscale 2K or Full HD resolution content close to 4K resolution with the 4K X-Reality PRO technology.