Qualcomm might be working on a new processor, Snapdragon 670, specifically meant entry level and mid end smartphones. It is expected to be builton 10 nm architecture which is being used in Snapdragon 835. Earlier this year the company had announced the Snapdragon 660 processors, which is already facing delay for a while and has not been used by any device manufactures. Interestingly, it was also meant fro mid end devices.
As per a report by AndroidHeadlinesQualcomm is said to be using Samsung’s 10nm Low Power Plus technology for its Snapdragon 670 chipsets, which is considered as a next step above the Low Power Early technology that is used for the Snapdragon 835.Itis expected by the leaks that Qualcomm Snapdragon 670 to go into mass production from January 2018 for the mid-range smartphones.
If we talk about, Qualcomm Snapdragon 660, it is built on the 14nm technology, CPU clocked at 2.2GHz with 8 Kryo 260, and along with Adreno 512 graphics which is claimed to produced 30% improved graphics performance compared to other predecessors.